Dylan Knight

Chief Technology Officer, Sentriqs, Inc.

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By day, as the CTO at Sentriqs, Dylan oversees the development of Glyph, a quantum-resistant end-to-end encrypted messaging and video conferencing platform for organizations, teams, and government agencies. On the side, he works on Bodhi, a mental health app; BodhiTimer, a meditation timer watchOS app; a Point-of-Sale, production, and delivery logistics platform; and various fun little IoT projects. Dylan's also a burgeoning yoga instructor in Erie, avid yogi, fitness enthusiast, film buff, former Star Wars aficionado, and fun uncle. He has a passion for great design and customer experience. In a prior life, Dylan got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Pitt, was a barista at Starbucks, and is a veteran of the NYC startup community. ...he's probably heard your app idea before, but he'd be happy to discuss it with you!